How to Draw Realism

Anyone can learn how to draw realism. All it takes is a bit of practice, the right tools and techniques. If you are interested in learning, follow along - Here’s everything you need to know to get started today.

how to draw realism

Supplies: Lets keep it really simple.

  1. Sketchbook or drawing paper. Choose smooth paper if you want fine details, rougher paper if you plan to shade some really dark areas.

  2. Pencils - I recommend just a couple of good drawing pencils to start with - B and 2B. Add a 4B if you want to go really dark. Or if you’re a minimalist like me, you can just use an HB.

  3. A pencil sharpener and plastic eraser - the white kind is best, but any color will do.

  4. A reference photo or object to draw from.

* My personal favorite all around drawing tool is a mechanical HB pencil.

No need to sharpen, eraser is built in and it’s never dull…

Realistic Drawing for Beginners: Tips and Techniques to Improve Your Art

To draw realism as a beginner, it is important to start with observation. Try to forget your “idea” of what a thing should look like. Instead, take time to examine the subject carefully, seeing it as it really is. Notice the details of the lines, shapes, and textures. The shadows are important too, what we see is really just light reflecting off the object, so if you get the lighting right, half the battle is done and imperfections in the shape will be easily overlooked.

Practice drawing basic shapes like circles and squares and then move on to more complex shapes. Pay attention to the proportions of the subject and use light and shadow to create depth. Remember, practice is key when learning how to draw realism. Keep drawing and observing, and with time and patience, you'll see improvement in your ability to draw realistically. It's also helpful to study the work of other artists to learn from their techniques and approaches.

Lesson one: Draw an Eye

How to draw a realistic eye

Follow along with this simple drawing tutorial to draw a realistic looking eye.

First step is to lightly sketch an outline of all the major shapes you see. Keep your lines soft and light so you can erase them easily if you need to make corrections.

Booklist - Drawing books for more tips & lessons on how to draw realism.

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